STAFF ASSEMBLY 2024: POV of a Newbie

There were many ways I imagined how my first experiences at Camalig Bank would be. But this year's Staff Assembly is one that I didn't anticipate. It was anything but boring from the preparation until the end of the event. It was a day filled with fun, excitement, and camaraderie among staff from different branches and departments.

Coming in as a neophyte, I was told about the many things to expect in the event. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't hesitant to join the activities because I wasn't active in joining sports events in the past aside from cheer dance. However, encouragement from my workmates gave me the push that I needed. So, I decided to participate in two dance events: ballroom and cheer dance.

In the weeks leading up to the event, I met people from other branches and departments for the first time. In moments like these, I interacted with new faces and heard their stories during their tenure at Camalig Bank. Their positive feedback and encouragement made the getting-to-know stage easier and less awkward. From then on, I started to look forward to meeting them every day at the end of every shift.  

The event day came, and I could feel everyone's excitement as I entered the gymnasium. It commenced with a parade around the venue and was followed by a brief Zumba session, which further amplified everybody's hyped energy. Then, the time came when we had to perform for the cheer dance. Each team displayed a different take on the event's theme and had a distinct edge. Any team could've won the category, so everyone happily accepted the result.

From morning until the afternoon, a series of other events that tested the participants' brains and brawns was prepared by the committee, all enjoyed by supporters who cheered loudly every time their players scored and won. A mass was held after the day's events, a time to reflect on how far the bank has come in five and a half decades. Then, at night, talent became the event's highlight with Camalig Bank Got Talent.

From singing to dancing, the participants wowed everyone with their impressive performances. As one of the performers in the ballroom category, it was nerve-wracking to think that I would be performing on stage in front of hundreds of people. But after our performance, all our sacrifices were worth it as our teammates congratulated us and told us how good our performance was. Aside from winning, the best part was receiving greetings of congratulations from my bosses and our president. The event was a success from start to finish, with everyone having a smile on their faces.

­­­­­Looking back, I realized the true essence of events like the Staff Assembly: to forge a strong bond and connection with those we work with, understand each other's situation, and work as a team to reach a goal. This experience was indeed one that I didn't anticipate but also one that will forever be remembered as a core memory. Looking forward to more years with you, Camalig Bank.

Jerome Seva

Jerome is a budding Camalig Banker who thrives as a storyteller. He relishes sharing his own experiences and listening to those of others, serving as a diary for friends, family, and peers alike. Jerome is inspired by their tales and eager to compile his journey into writing and share it with the world.


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